Monday, April 25, 2011

Damn you Gilbert Hernandez. (and Daniel Clowes)

Roughly 7 years ago I read the graphic novel Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron. It was a great book but it was also Deeply disturbing. The downright oddness of the work was fun and visually stunning. However, it was so disturbing at the end has continued to, for lack of a better word, haunt me. Seriously, haunt. It's just so wrong and I won't spoil it for you. I implore you to find out yourself. I've recently rented the book from the library and I have yet to reopen it. I'll probably save it until I read the other stuff. It was real creepy.
The author Daniel Clowes is responsible for this unsettling work and others that were less messed up.
left to right: Daniel Clowes. Art Spieglemen and Alan Moore
Then I found Gilbert Hernandez. He is really, really into drawing women with large breasts. Paraphrasing from his book A High Soft Lisp , who would make art of beautiful women in distress? I'll tell you, he does. This stuff is sad and upsetting. I mean I get it, it's good books and art, but the characters all just have such a hard time. Chance in Hell was just so thoroughly crazy as are Luba, High Soft LispSloth....... Heck, they're all just so damn messed up.
This guy, this guy right here.

From Chance in Hell
I suppose that the stuff is more disturbing because it has real and believable characters. So you know, these guys are talented but they have some very nutty, crazy comics,

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